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Sip of Saigon: A Beginner's Guide to Using a Vietnamese Coffee Drippe

by 창구창고 2023. 12. 24.

Let's break down the process of using a Vietnamese coffee dripper step by step:

1. Check the Components: The Vietnamese coffee dripper consists of the main body, a lid, a base, and a coffee press. Before use, make sure all these components are ready.

2. Prepare the Materials: Start by preparing the cup where you'll be brewing your coffee. Place the base and the main body on top of the cup.

3. Add Coffee Grounds: Put ground coffee into the main body. Typically, use 2-3 tablespoons for 2-3 servings. Be mindful not to use too much, as it might make the taste too strong.

4. Compact the Coffee: After adding the coffee, use the coffee press to flatten it evenly. Apply moderate pressure – too much may prevent water flow, and too little may affect extraction. Press the coffee about 10 times.

5. Pour Water: Pour water into the coffee press, keeping it pressed to avoid water leakage. Add about 60-80% of the press's capacity with water.

6. Extraction: Now, wait for the coffee to drip. Vietnamese coffee often takes a bit longer to extract, so be patient, around 2-3 minutes. The first liquid might contain coffee grounds, so discard it and collect the coffee from the second drip onwards.

7. Finishing Touch: Once you have the desired amount of coffee, use the coffee press to finish. If you skip this step, the coffee might have an oily texture due to the absence of the press.

Enjoy the rich and flavorful coffee, and consider adding condensed milk for an even more delightful experience!

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